Steve Yarbrough is the author of nine books. His latest novel The Realm of Last Chances was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 2013. His previous novel, Safe from the Neighbors (Knopf), appeared in 2010. His 2006 novel The End of California (Knopf) was a finalist for the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Award for fiction and was also published in Polish translation.

His novel Prisoners of War (Knopf, 2004) was a finalist for the 2005 PEN/Faulkner Award, and his 1999 novel The Oxygen Man (McMurray & Beck) won the California Book Award, the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Award for Fiction, and the Mississippi Authors Award. His other books are the novel Visible Spirits (Knopf, 2001) and the story collections Veneer (University of Missouri Press, 1998), Mississippi History (Missouri, 1994), and Family Men (LSU Press, 1990). His work has appeared in Best American Short Stories, Best American Mystery Stories, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology, and has also been published in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Japan and Poland.  In 2010, he won the Richard Wright Award.

Watch Steve Yarbrough talk about his work

Family Men book jacket Larry McMurtry's The Last Picture Show book jacket Mississippi History book jacket Prisoners of War book jacket Realm of Last Chances book jacket Safe from the Neighbors book jacket End of California book jacket Oxygen Man book jacket Unmade World book jacket Veneer book jacket Visible Spirits book jacket



B.A., University of Mississippi
M.A., University of Mississippi
M.F.A., University of Arkansas


The Oxygen Man


Visible Spirits


Prisoners of War


The End of California


Safe from the Neighbors


The Realm of Last Chances


Awards & Honors

California Book Award


Mississippi Authors Award


PEN/Faulkner Award finalist


Richard Wright Award for Literary Excellence


Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Award for Fiction