Sometimes it can be difficult to know how long you should be keeping the records you create and receive during your work here at Emerson. Should you keep everything or get rid of materials as soon as possible Emerson College’s records management program is here to help you answer these and any other questions you have about your digital and physical files.

What is Records Management?

Records management is the systematic control of records throughout their lifecycle, from creation to disposition (destruction or archiving).  Through the control of records, we are able to obtain information about important departmental business activities while not holding on to materials and information that are no longer needed.

Why should records management be important to me?

Records management can have a significant positive impact on you, your coworkers, and the College as a whole. It may not seem like it, but appropriately managed records have a ripple effect that makes everyone’s lives easier.  What are the benefits to you of implementing records management techniques?

  • It keeps information safe! By properly organizing, storing, and disposing of our records we make sure that confidential information is only accessed by appropriate individuals.
  • It makes it easier to find the information you need! Reducing the amount of records you keep as well as properly organizing and storing them makes it a great deal easier to find what you are looking for.
  • It gives you more work space! Knowing when to send records offsite or dispose of them (either through destruction or archiving) means that you don’t have to keep materials “just in case.”  You can confidently remove records from your office space so that you have more room for your activities and new records.

Contact Us

The Emerson College Records Management Team is available to meet with any department or office to appraise records in order to determine how long to retain and how to store, transfer, or dispose of records. College records include electronic, film/fiche, and paper files. For questions and appointments, please email records_management [at] (records_management[at]emerson[dot]edu).