Groups and Workshops can be helpful additions or alternatives to individual counseling. At Counseling Services, groups are free and confidential. You’re welcome and encouraged to attend throughout your time at Emerson. Although it can seem scary or strange to engage in therapy with your peers, this form of support can offer a helpful, dynamic, and creative space to build community and connection and enhance interpersonal skills.

Groups and Workshops at Counseling Services

Anxiety Skills Group*

This series of workshops draws upon Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to provide psychoeducation on the roles and functions of anxiety. Participants will learn and practice skills for coping with anxiety, including thought monitoring, cognitive restructuring, relaxation techniques, mindfulness, identifying triggers and building cope-ahead plans.

Creative Connections

Feeling homesick? Isolated? Want to meet new people? Enjoy creative outlets for emotional regulation? Consider joining Creative Connections, a support group for new students to share experiences, learn new coping skills through creative projects, and build community. Please email or call Margaret Robertson (margaret.robertson [at] (margaret[dot]robertson[at]emerson[dot]edu), 617-824-8666 ext. 2) to learn more and pre-register. Meeting Wednesday afternoons in UBank.

Find Your Balance*

This workshop series inspired by Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) will help you understand how your emotions can impact you and teach you ways to manage them so that they don't end up running the show. The workshop will also review ways to help you tolerate distress that is out of your control and take care of yourself in relationships in your life with the goal of feeling more balanced.

Stress Less*

A drop-in wellness group to talk about stress, gratitude and self-compassion, how to rest, building confidence, facing burnout, dealing with uncertainty and more! This is a non-clinical support group. We hope students will drop in to share experiences and strategies!

Unity Circle: BIPOC Student Affinity Space

A biweekly drop-in gathering for students of color to discuss their diverse cultural experiences and intersecting identities to gain support, build connections, and find strength in community. Meeting alternating Tuesdays from 5-6 PM in Walker 229.

Unity Circle: Beyond the Binary

A biweekly drop-in gathering of trans, nonbinary, and gender diverse students to be in community and support one another. Meeting alternating Tuesdays from 5-6 PM in Walker 229.

*Not currently running in Fall 2024. Stay tuned!