OEO Complaint Resolution Process (Text-only version)

Formal Complaint Initiated

Complainant provides information to OEO and OEO creates a written Notice of Complaint. Emerson can also initiate an administrative complaint under certain circumstances.

Notice to Respondent

Respondent receives the written Notice of Formal Complaint and is given the opportunity to meet with OEO to discuss the process.

Respondent can provide a optional statement in response to the complaint.


Respondent can accept charges and proceed to the question of sanctions.

Informal Resolution Process (Optional)

Complainant and Respondent can voluntarily enter into an informal process to reach a resolution. This can result in a final Resolution Agreement that ends the process, and remains an available option up until the Decision-Making Panel receives the investigative report.

Investigative Procedure

OEO-assigned investigator(s) will conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into the allegations raised in the Formal Complaint. The investigator will work with the parties to identify relevant information. The investigator will interview parties and witnesses and review documents relevant to the allegations. At the conclusion of the investigation, an Investigative Report will be prepared. Both parties can review and comment on the report before it is final.


The Investigative Report goes to a Decision-Making Panel of 1-3 people (faculty or staff, or an outside panelist, all of whom have received training). The Panel reviews the Investigative Report and supporting materials to make their decision.


The Panel decides whether the Respondent violated Emerson policy. If responsible, the sanction is decided by Community Standards (for a student) or by the supervisor or dean, with Human Resources (for a staff or faculty member). Both parties are notified of the outcome in writing.


Both parties have the right to appeal a panel’s decision (filed within 7 days of the notice of outcome).