The following is the process for new concentrations for majors and graduate degrees.


  1. Faculty members conceive a preliminary proposal.
  2. Faculty members meet with the Department Chair, School/Institute Dean and Graduate Dean as appropriate
  3. The Dean and Provost meet with the Vice President for Enrollment Management to assess the potential market demand for the new area and the need for market research.
  4. The Dean meets with the Department Chair and faculty members about marketing research components, such as competitors and modality.
  5. The Provost and Vice President for Enrollment Management bring both the proposal and research to the Enrollment Management Group (including the President of the College).
  6. The Faculty Curricular Group meets and fleshes out the full proposal.
  7. The proposal from the Faculty Curricular Group goes to the Department Chair and Dean for feedback (iterative process).
  8. The Department/School/LAC curriculum committee reviews the proposal.
  9. The Department Chair and Dean endorse the proposal.
  10. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, or Graduate Council, reviews the proposal.
  11. The Dean approves the proposal.
  12. The Provost brings the proposal to the Academic Affairs Committee and the full Board of Trustees for a vote.


  • Academic assessment of needed resources, along with Admission's assessment of market demand or lack thereof, could end the process.
  • If the degree is a degree that Emerson College does not currently offer, there are additional processes involving NECHE and the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.
  • Preliminary Proposal: program description, rationale, first draft of learning outcomes, and target population served.
  • Full Proposal: program description, rationale, learning outcomes, course descriptions, and proposals for new courses.