External Media Coverage

Your news or event may warrant coverage by external media outlets. For external coverage, please let us know as soon as possible—a long lead time is best. 


  • You can send one email to all team members with events or story ideas.
  • We also encourage you to check-in again—preferably 2 to 3 weeks ahead of time—by email or phone, regarding important upcoming events. This reminder is greatly appreciated and helps us provide the promotion you want.
  • If details change for any event, news [at] emerson.edu (please let us know) ASAP. We rely on you to tell us about time changes, rescheduled events, added special guest appearances, etc.

Internal News Coverage on Emerson Today

Emerson Today is the College's internal news site that promotes the latest news and activities by Emerson community members including students, faculty and alumni. Like external news coverage—a heads up ahead of time on stories we can cover internally would be appreciated. In addition, the College promotes media coverage by Emerson's subject matter experts via Emerson Today and through our Twitter account @emersoncollnews.

Emerson Today/Internal News Contacts:

Posting Events: Emerson Today

Our events calendar is hosted on Emerson Today, our premier online presence for College news and announcements. Emerson Today currently displays public events that have been posted to EmConnect, as well as the full Emerson Lions Athletics Schedule.

Event submissions are reviewed for grammar and accuracy before being pushed to the calendar, which usually takes less than one hour during business hours.

Add an Event to the Calendar

Request a Featured Event

If you would like your event highlighted on the Emerson Today homepage, please send your request with a high-res image (300 DPI minimum) to news [at] emerson.edu (news[at]emerson[dot]edu).

In addition, featured articles on emerson.edu are considered based on newsworthiness of the story and available resources. Reach out to Erin Clossey for more information.

Subscribe to Emerson Today

Receive weekly news digests on Emerson news from specific departments, schools—right to your inbox.


Internal Newsletter: Next Week @ Emerson

The Next Week @ Emerson newsletter is emailed on Thursdays to students, faculty, and staff to promote upcoming events. 

Submitting Your Event

Send your event listings no later than 5:00 pm every Monday to Erin Clossey (erin_clossey [at] emerson.edu (erin_clossey[at]emerson[dot]edu)) and “CC” news [at] emerson.edu (news[at]emerson[dot]edu).

Please include the following details in your event submission:

  • Title
  • Date and time of event
  • Event location
  • Who the event is open to (Emerson Community? Public? Both?)
  • Event contact
  • Brief event description

Merit Pages: Highlighting Student Success

Emerson College showcases student achievements through Merit Pages, a social media and hometown news distribution program, which allows the College and students to share academic and extracurricular successes with family, friends, and future employers.

Students are welcome to participate by creating a Merit profile. We also encourage all departments, organizations, and other campus offices to submit student awards and achievements to news [at] emerson.edu (news[at]emerson[dot]edu), so we can recognize our students’ impressive work.